The Academy of Advance Changework provides high quality approved clinical hypnotherapy training, from beginner to advanced level, including a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, a Fast Track Clinical Hypnotherapy Training for Mental Health Professionals, and an Advanced Diploma for Qualified Hypnotherapists.
Training is delivered by Karen Bartle, MSc, & Paul Peace, PhD, who are both post-graduates in Psychology, experienced clinical hypnotherapists (since 2005), trainers (since 2007), and clinical supervisors. They have both lectured and taught on the higher education BSc (Hons) psychology and BSc (Hons) Nursing courses, and both are also highly regarded in their field for bringing high-quality hypnotherapy training to an un/self-regulated field.
"I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending both Paul and Karen [...] as practitioners and trainers of exceptional ability [...]. I have no doubt that they will seek to continue with their innovative approach designed always to enhance the professional standing of both the profession and those who work within it.
Paul and Karen’s advanced practitioner training course framework (which they generously offered to the GHSC for the purpose) continues to be the benchmark for GHSC Accredited Advanced Practitioner Level training to date.”
~ William Broom, Chief Executive and Registrar, Hypnotherapy Register, GHSC & GHR
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Diploma in NLP, and Certificate in Stress Management
1036 hours
To be able to confidently and safely induce, deepen, maintain, and terminate a trance.
To develop competence in many techniques e.g., suggestibility tests, depth of trance testing, anchoring, fast phobia, swish, association and dissociation, reframing, timeline techniques, regression and ideomotor response.
To conduct an effective and efficient initial assessment of the client and their issues.
To be able to build rapport and communicate effectively with clients.
- To reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and recognise the importance of continuing professional development.
- To be able to contextualise clinical hypnotherapy amongst other therapies and healthcare available and know when to refer a client to another specialist.
- To understand when not to take on a client.
- To be confident with therapy planning.
- To respect difference.
- To have a good basic knowledge of psychological theory
e.g., un/conscious mind, psychodynamic theory, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, and humanistic psychology.
- To have a basic knowledge of the key concepts of various relevant therapeutic approaches that can be dovetailed with hypnosis.
- To make full use of sensory awareness and utilise this e.g., noticing changes in a client's skin colour, breathing, pulse, posture, etc.
- To know how to handle abreactions (emotional outpourings) sensitively, safely, and effectively.
- To demonstrate a professional, caring, and empathic approach that recognises personal and professional boundaries.
These learning outcomes will be met during course practicals, practical sessions with real practice clients and through homework questions. We will support you and provide feedback where appropriate on all homework questions. There are no 'all-or-nothing' exams, tests or essays, and no minimum ‘Pass rates’ that leave you in doubt about the questions you got wrong. We want you to leave the course competent and confident.
The diploma course is a total of 1036 hours study time. The course is attended for 15 full days over 6 months and fully completed within 12 months.
Each of the 15 days of live training consist of interactive lectures, group exercises and practicals with peers. We place a lot of emphasis on practice, giving you lots of opportunities to do clinical hypnotherapy rather than simply knowing about it!
Learn more by downloading a prospectus here
About Karen Bartle, MSc
Karen completed her MSc in Health Psychology in 2010 and her degree in Psychology in 1998. Since completing her first degree she’s worked in a variety of roles including a university lecturer, teaching Psychology and Nursing undergraduates. She taught subjects such as health and abnormal psychology, research methods, biological foundations of behaviour and psychological development of the child.
Karen also worked as a graduate psychologist with residents, staff, and carers in an inpatient unit for people with severe and enduring mental health issues including schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, and as a member of a multi-disciplinary team providing behavioural assessments and intensive support for individuals and their carers/family living with autistic spectrum disorders and learning disabilities. She also worked as a counsellor with victims of crime and with adult offenders being supervised by the probation service.
Since qualifying in hypnotherapy in 2006, Karen has worked in private practice supporting clients with a wide range of behavioural and biopsychosocial issues, integrating hypnotherapy with coaching, NLP, EMDR, and psychotherapy. She runs an online advanced hypnotherapy and lifestyle medicine practice from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and has a special interest in working with people with autoimmune, and other chronic diseases.
About Paul Peace, PhD
Paul started professional life as a psychologist. He obtained a first-class BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology in 1998, and a PhD in Psychology in 2001.
Paul's training experience includes teaching Psychology and Nursing undergraduates. He has published papers in academic journals and presented a paper at an international conference on language and gender at Stanford University, California.
In his clinical work, Paul uses hypnotherapy, NLP, coaching, and EMDR. He works with a wide spectrum of issues, most often for low confidence and self-esteem, phobia, stress and sleeping problems. He is also an experienced supervisor.
His clinical qualifications are Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma, Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Certificate in Hypnotherapeutic Supervision, EMDR Part 3, Master Practitioner of Timeline Re-Patterning and NLP Master Practitioner. He has trained in NLP Modelling with one of the co-founders of NLP, John Grinder.
Fast-Track Clinical Hypnotherapy Training for Qualified Mental Health Therapists
This Fast-Track clinical hypnotherapy course has been running since 2008 providing qualified and practicing therapists with the skills and knowledge to add clinical hypnotherapy to their existing therapeutic skillset and integrate it with their preferred modality.
We provide 2 Levels of training:
Level 1 - A 6-day hypnotherapy practitioner training.
Level 2 - A 3-day advanced hypnotherapy practitioner training.
Completing the 2 levels of training allows students to graduate as an Advanced Practitioner in Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Level 1 Fast-Track Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training for Qualified Mental Health Professionals
Over the course of 6 live training days delivered face to face online, you'll be equipped with the Level 1 skills that will enable you to work with your clients using hypnotherapy to bring about efficacious and lasting change.
Eligible applicants will already have knowledge and skills of being a professionally qualified & registered therapist working routinely with clients. We will help you to learn to integrate the unique aspects of hypnotherapy into your current practice including those areas identified in the Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) Skills Training best practice guidelines.
Applicants will already understand concepts common to counselling, psychotherapy, and psychology, such as assessment, clinical formulations, effective questioning, active listening, treatment planning, effective note taking, data protection, mandatory reporting, empathy, rapport, ethics, and reflective practice, for example, and simply want to add hypnotherapy to their existing skill set rather than cover old ground.
Groups are small, ensuring you have lots of individual attention, support & supervision.
Course Content
Learn more by downloading a prospectus here
Level 2 Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training for Qualified Mental Health Professionals
Once Level 1 Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training has been completed, practitioners can move onto learning more advanced hypnotherapy skills by attending our Level 2 Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner 3-day Training.
During Level 2 Advanced hypnotherapy Practitioner Training we teach concepts and skills to enhance hypnotherapy skills for clients with complex presentations and using more advanced interventions & processes.
Course content
Learning Outcomes
For a full course outline please see 'Course Content'.
- To be able to use hypnosis competently to induce, deepen and disengage a client from trance.
- To develop competence in a wide range of hypnotherapy techniques, including the construction of hypnotic & posthypnotic suggestions.
- To confidently explain to clients and interested members of the public what hypnotherapy is, to demystify it, build trust and be a good ambassador for the profession.
- To understand contraindications and hazards of using hypnosis.
- To make full use of sensory awareness and utilise this e.g. noticing changes in a client's skin colour, breathing, pulse, posture, etc.
- To demonstrate a professional, ethical, caring, and empathic approach that recognises personal and professional boundaries.
Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
This course is completed by distance learning and is aimed at hypnotherapy practitioners with a thorough initial training. Suitable candidates already have the skills that required live, directly supervised training, such as inducing, deepening and disengaging trance.
The course will invigorate your work by teaching new knowledge and techniques, developing critical and analytical thinking, as well as covering less commonly taught presenting issues, more ways to motivate clients and maximise success, and sophisticated questioning skills. As well, it will teach practitioners how to deal with awkward clinical situations, advanced ethical and logical thinking, and the value of hypnotherapy research, as well as developing reflective practitioner skills.
This course:
- Provides a clear advancement on initial training.
- Encourages academic, critical and reflective thinking on clinical practice, learning and ethics.
- Is substantive and engaging; not simply a 'more of the same' course, such as a collection of new scripts. Applicants are expected to already be confident inducing and deepening trance, etc.
- Provides new knowledge, skills, and techniques.
- Encourages a considered, respectful, yet critical approach to hypnotherapy research.
- Develops the practitioner's extra-clinical abilities, e.g. setting up a peer group and getting the best from supervision.
- Engaging and challenging homework that has practical utility in encouraging use of the skills learnt as well as testing a student's understanding.
Contact Information:
Contact Name: Karen Bartle
Email address:
Phone: +61 (7) 5329 2293