Mindful Impact Wellness Hub™️
Tania Davies
5-7/5 Main Street
SA 5152
Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy-Psychotherapy, Master Practitioner of - NLP/NLP Coaching/Time Line Therapy/Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Specialist, Hypnobirthing Practitioner, Masters of Marketing, BA Business Management
Adults, Anxiety, Birth, Childhood trauma, Children, Depression, Grief, Hypnobirthing, IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Life transitions, Limiting beliefs, Motivation, Pregnancy, Pregnancy and birth, Self Confidence, Self esteem, Stress, Teens, Trauma, Women’s health
Are you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, panicked, angry, anxious, depressed or burnt out? If you could overcome this fear, what would you have already achieved by now? Who would you be without your fear and without the excuses that keep you stuck? What would it take for you to overcome the fear that feeds your anger, sadness, guilt, hurt, shame, disappointment and judgement? Tania Davies, owner and founder of Mindful Impact Wellness Hub™, is dedicated to guiding driven women to overcome their challenges so they can confidently reclaim their life and enjoy sustainable success. Tania's highly successful and evidence based Strategic Slow Down™ 1:1 Coaching and Therapy Program can be accessed either online or in person. Now is your time to design a future you love! Tania is a trauma informed practitioner and also specialises in helping children, teens and young adults through anxiety and trauma.
Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy